What Documents Do I Need When Estate Planning?

An effective estate plan should include your will, a durable power of attorney to designate authority over your finances, designation of Health care Surrogate and living will declaration.

Estate planning is not only for older people, and it is not only for wealthy people. Everyone needs certain documents that express their wishes about what the closest people in their lives should do in the event of a person’s death or serious illness. Even if you do not own enough property to necessitate the probate of your estate, you still need to draft estate planning documents to avoid heartbreaking and relationship-destroying conflict among members of your family. Estate planning is not only about money; it is about protecting your family from having to guess what you would have wanted regarding matters like your burial and end-of-life care. If you care about anyone, you need an estate plan, even if you are broke; you can always update your estate plan if you acquire more property later in life. The first step is to contact a St. Petersburg estate planning lawyer.

The Estate Planning Documents Everyone Needs

No matter how young you are, it would be best if you drafted the following estate planning documents before the end of this year:

Contact Kruse Law About Estate Planning for Young People of Modest Means

A St. Petersburg estate planning lawyer can help you draft your estate plan even if there is not much to your estate. Contact Kruse Law Group in St. Petersburg, Florida, to set up a consultation.